
Zach Even - Esh

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Strength Mistakes I Made

Good morning, Gladiator. I hope you are ready to crush your Thursday on ALL fronts: Training Life Business We are ALL in Business, even if you don't realize it yet. Eventually, you must learn how to write your own paycheck. I was taught over 20 years ago that the number 1 is the worst number in business. 1 way to earn a living 1 way to earn a paycheck 1 way to communicate Always have Plan B so you're never backed against a wall. I have made many mistakes in training, business and life. In my...

Zach here with some Monday Thunder for you. I have not trained yet as I have some doctor appointmentsthis AM so training today will be at my high school. Lifting of the Deads is on tap today....... Over the weekend, I chatted with my buddy, Joe DeSena. Joe invited me to an upcoming Spartan Race coming to Boston Fenway Park. I said YES even though I have no clue if I am away for something with my kids. I had read about a man who was struggling to write a book and he said his imagination was...

Yesterday I shared with you the "ladder method" for strength training using sandbags. You can see that Video here: Drop a comment with any questions you have on sandbag strength training or the ladder method. And so yesterday's video brought me way back down memory lane that I remember clear as day, and it was 15 years ago...... I did this with Kettlebells and it was inspired by the Strongman, Herman Goerner. It was called The Kettlebell Chain, and I have used this methodat The Underground...

Good Morning, Gladiator. I have 2 Updates for you today..... 1) The latest STRONG Life Podcast is up. The video has the tour of my library and the audio has my added info in the intro and outro. Jeremy Hartman & Zach Discuss: BEST Strength Books + "Secrets" of our BEST Athletes (How They Train & EAT) Watch here: Listen on Apple HERE Listen on Spotify HERE 2) Ladder Method using Sandbags - this morning was short yet highly effective. Watch the video and read the details of how to use The...

Good morning, Gladiator. It's another day and another opportunity to kick a-- and take names. Yesterday, I got in 2 training sessions. Morning lift was at The Underground. 7:45 PM session was all machines and then some sauna time at my wife's health club. Sometimes, as you get older, a machine day for isolation and bodybuilding work is a good thing. For the most part, free weights for MAN Strength. To follow up on my STRONG Life Podcast yesterday, here are 4 Reasons Why Some Men / Athletes...

Good morning, Gladiator. Time to crush this Monday and achieve more than ever before. Mediocrity is not for us, the Men in the Arena. Here are 5 Tips for Getting Stronger in the Gym and in Life: 1) Lift Heavy, Move Often: Stop overcomplicating it. Lift real weight, do real work. Barbells, bodyweight, and the basics. You don’t need a shiny new routine every week—stick to the core lifts and add more plates.Fancy is for the influencers. A Barbell and your body or heavy bells plus bodyweight...

Zach here with a Tactics Tuesday Update..... Last night my daughter was at The Underground aftera light dinner and, after her tennis match. I went with my daughter because I planned to trainyesterday morning but work kept on going and my time disappeared. I also trained with my daughter because she is a senior in high school. I am almost 49...... The average lifespan is mid 70s. That means for us Dads, we are closer to the grave. If that doesn't fire you up to do more and BE More, then I...

Good Monday, fellow Gladiator. Updates today are perfect for a Monday. The latest STRONG Life Podcast is up as I answer questions on business and work / life / family balance. Listen Here: ==> I address questions on growing your business as a Coach or as a intrapreneur, someone who works withinanother gym / location. Men often tow the fine line between working too muchand then, not working enough / smart enough / hard enough,to support their family. For me,...

Good morning, Gladiator and happy Saturday. Up and at em' early for my son's crew training and this means no sitting around waiting, instead, I will be training. If my son is doing tough things, I will as well. And that's what I want to talk to you about and what is "the secret" to the work, the "balance" in life and getting sh-t done. Here's the 1 answer. The one "secret"..... You Must do Hard Things. Joe DeSena and I discussed this in all our videos while in Philly. Watch and Listen Here:...

Yesterday I had a convo with a buddy of mine who coaches in the Military. The Military has invested heavily in physical and mentalhealth for soldiers the past decade but guess what? It's "optional" to train with a coach. Just like most public schools, everything is, "up to you". Joe DeSena and I discuss why we don't agree with freedom for everything in our recent videos here: Given too much freedom, people 97% of the time choose the easy way. I'd be lying to...