Most People are Weak?

Yesterday I had a convo with a buddy of mine who
coaches in the Military.

The Military has invested heavily in physical and mental
health for soldiers the past decade but guess what?

It's "optional" to train with a coach.

Just like most public schools, everything is, "up to you".

Joe DeSena and I discuss why we don't agree with
freedom for everything in our recent videos here:

Given too much freedom, people 97% of the time
choose the easy way.

I'd be lying to you if I told you the easy way is the way

- Greater Success

- Greater Strength

- Greater Achievement in ALL areas of Life

The "shortcut" is to actually do the hard sh-t.

But, ask Coaches in the NFL, NBA, D1, Military, etc and there
are always excuses makers who choose the easy way.

It does eventually catch up with you, and some are gifted
so they get away with natural talent longer.

But for us......

The Gladiators.

The family man.....

We are training for LIFE.

The "game" of life never ends. You must always be ready so you
never have to get ready.

Performance on Demand as my buddy Tosh describes it
and as I mention while doing push ups in the streets
of Philly in our video HERE.

The athletes want "sports specific" workouts.

The military wants "functional" workouts.

Everyone wants special this and special that but these
same "special" people can't do 10 pull ups.

I am not built to be around the excuse makers so
if you're one of them, unsubscribe at the bottom
of this email because you will be offended by everything
I write or say.

The workers will be INSPIRED to do more and BE more.

This is a BIG reason as to why The Underground must
live on.

We tell the excuse makers the truth.

We tell them to GTFO or step up and Work.

I don't get reprimanded by telling our athletes
the truth. I tell them step the f--k up or get out.


Prepare for the repercussions of someone kicking your a--
in sports because you cheat yourself.

People hate on the truth today. Am I supposed to encourage
laziness and mediocrity to fit into this excuse making,
finger pointing society?

F--k that.

Work and STFU. The Work is the Gift.

Yes, my cursing is passion - someone is now offended
by curse words.

I remember 9-11 on the regular, not just on 9-11 when
everyone starts posting memories.

We chanted for the USA and today many people who
live in America hate on America.

After 9-11 people thought I was a cop with my build
and buzz cut. Those first responders ran towards the fire,
today, people run away from tough times.

I am fired up and today I will kick my a-- at The Underground
because I need it both physically and mentally.

You should do it as well.

Listen to the latest podcast.....

I crushed a STRONG Life Podcast sharing my Spartan lessons
from time with my buddy Joe DeSena.


Powerful Videos from the streets of Philly will make you want to
Deadlift a car.

Choose Strength over Weakness.

Action over Anxiety.

Success over Mediocrity.

Responsibility over being a blame artist

Listen Here and OWN the day:



The Underground Strength Con is Live!

Seats are filling up fast so take action and
get around GREAT people, GREAT Connections and
GREAT Times.

Brought to you by JOCKO FUEL.

*** Please Note / Read First before Securing Your Spot,
You Might be eligible for a Discount ***

=> Before you register, you might be eligible for a
discount so please read carefully...

I shared the discount code to the private forums and FB group
for those who have skin in the game so check those pages if you're in
any of the groups below:

=> Facebook Group for Certified USC and SSPC Coaches

  • There is only One active group for Coaches so
    if you've been MIA, you missed it!

=> Members of Train Heroic: Dad Strong and Gladiator Strong

If you're not a member of any of the above, No Worries,
You can still register and you will see all the details and
more information at

You can see our sponsors as well, all of whom are amazing companies
that we've been working with for a long time,
some of them for over 20 years now!!!

This is going to be a GREAT Experience! Don't miss it!

The speakers and lessons to be learned, friends to be
made, relationships to be built are going to light
up your life.

Live The Code 365,


PS: All travel info, speakers, sponsors, etc are listed at


See the resources below to build more strength
and size without the BS fads and gimmicks.


STRONG & Lean Over 40 -

A Quick Start Guide for Men Over age 40

​==> Details HERE


Gladiator STRONG - 7 Days FR-EE Intro

Build Pain Free Muscle, regardless of age.


Get Certified as a SSP Coach - Details HERE

Strength & Sports Performance Coach Cert






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We respect your privacy.

The contents of this e mail are Copyright
and property of Zach Even - Esh Performance
Systems, LLC & Underground Strength Coach.

No part of this e mail may be used or reproduced
in any way, shape or form without the expressed
written consent from Zach Even - Esh

Copyright Zach Even - Esh Performance Systems, LLC

Zach Even - Esh

Helping Men Achieve Elite Performance in Strength, Business and LIFE. Get our BEST FREE Strength Training Courses when you Subscribe. It's FREE!

Read more from Zach Even - Esh

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