Strength Mistakes I Made

Good morning, Gladiator. I hope you are ready to crush your
Thursday on ALL fronts:




We are ALL in Business, even if you don't realize it yet.

Eventually, you must learn how to write your own paycheck.

I was taught over 20 years ago that the number 1 is the
worst number in business.

1 way to earn a living

1 way to earn a paycheck

1 way to communicate

Always have Plan B so you're never backed against a wall.

I have made many mistakes in training, business and life.

In my latest STRONG Life Podcast, I share those mistakes
and of course, I also share what is working now
and what is next.

==> Listen HERE.


My next live event (I barely ever hold live events) for those seeking knowledge, connection, and a seriously bada-- time
is November 15-16 at Varsity House Gym.

I have partnered with my good friends at Varsity House
to bring you the most BadA-- event of the year.... Decade!


I wanted to put on an event that was DEEP in substance
and SHALLOW in all the bulls--t that plagues the "fitness industry".

The Underground Strength Con is all about breaking the rules and
kicking a-- on your OWN terms.

If you're saying, "I don't know if I can make this trip...." then you are
telling yourself exactly why you can NOT miss this experience.

We are brining you the REAL "influencers" not the fakes & frauds.

Coaches and Industry Leaders from college, pro, military, finance, private sector gym business, and more that very few people would ever know!

These "influencers" might not have 1-million followers on TikTok but they are influencing champions every day on and off the field.

  • Running multiple 7-Figure gyms...
  • Coaching champion athletes...
  • Managing BILLIONS in assets...
  • Setting multiple world records...
  • Helping real people accomplish real goals every day..

We only invited coaches, gym owners, and business leaders who are actively coaching, running their gyms, leading their teams, and running their business.


We did NOT invite anyone who has...

  • Packed it in and haven't coached anyone meaningful in years...
  • Closed their one gym and is now a "guru" gym biz advisor...
  • Is more worried about capturing the moment as opposed to being in it...
  • Is on a "speaking circuit"...
  • Has a PR team...
  • Has discount codes for 20 brand partnerships...
  • Promises to save you and your gym business in a week...
  • Isn't strong AF!
  • Drives a Lambo!!!

PLUS...On top of two full days of incredible learning, workshops, networking lunches, and cookout we are brining you
The Underground Strength Games so start training to prepare
for the Unknown!

Think Old School Strongman meets Carnival Freak Show! Test your might and win prizes from some of our amazing sponsors.

See our sponsors HERE.

Lastly, we have brought in some of the best companies WE do business with personally to sponsor the event.

We want you to have access to our rolodex of providers in the fitness space, and make it easy for you to meet them.

Jock Fuel, Sorinex, TurnKey Coach, Intek, Ivanko, Simmons Media, Ignite Entrepreneurs, MaceFit...and many more coming!

Writing this email got me FIRED UP! I hope it's gets you excited to be a part of this amazing event.

Here's the LINK so You can register and get more info.

If you sign up NOW you can save $100 by using the code UNDERGROUNDEARLY at checkout.

The Bigger discount is available in our FB group for our
certified USC and SSPC Coaches.

Live The Code 365,


P.S. This event will be as REAL as it gets. We promise to overdeliver the hell out of this. Myself and my bros from Varsity House (Joe and Dan) are putting our reputations on the line to bring you something truly unique. We know you are goin to love it!



See the resources below to build more strength
and size without the BS fads and gimmicks.


STRONG & Lean Over 40 -

A Quick Start Guide for Men Over age 40

​==> Details HERE


Gladiator STRONG - 7 Days FR-EE Intro

Build Pain Free Muscle, regardless of age.


Get Certified as a SSP Coach - Details HERE

Strength & Sports Performance Coach Cert






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We respect your privacy.

The contents of this e mail are Copyright
and property of Zach Even - Esh Performance
Systems, LLC & Underground Strength Coach.

No part of this e mail may be used or reproduced
in any way, shape or form without the expressed
written consent from Zach Even - Esh

Copyright Zach Even - Esh Performance Systems, LLC

Zach Even - Esh

Helping Men Achieve Elite Performance in Strength, Business and LIFE. Get our BEST FREE Strength Training Courses when you Subscribe. It's FREE!

Read more from Zach Even - Esh

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Yesterday I shared with you the "ladder method" for strength training using sandbags. You can see that Video here: Drop a comment with any questions you have on sandbag strength training or the ladder method. And so yesterday's video brought me way back down memory lane that I remember clear as day, and it was 15 years ago...... I did this with Kettlebells and it was inspired by the Strongman, Herman Goerner. It was called The Kettlebell Chain, and I have used this methodat The Underground...

Good Morning, Gladiator. I have 2 Updates for you today..... 1) The latest STRONG Life Podcast is up. The video has the tour of my library and the audio has my added info in the intro and outro. Jeremy Hartman & Zach Discuss: BEST Strength Books + "Secrets" of our BEST Athletes (How They Train & EAT) Watch here: Listen on Apple HERE Listen on Spotify HERE 2) Ladder Method using Sandbags - this morning was short yet highly effective. Watch the video and read the details of how to use The...