No More Weakness. Train Harder, Live Tougher

Good morning, Gladiator. Time to crush this Monday and
achieve more than ever before.

Mediocrity is not for us, the Men in the Arena.

Here are 5 Tips for Getting Stronger in the Gym and in Life:

1) Lift Heavy, Move Often: Stop overcomplicating it. Lift real weight, do real work. Barbells, bodyweight, and the basics. You don’t need a shiny new routine every week—stick to the core lifts and add more plates.

Fancy is for the influencers. A Barbell and your body or heavy
bells plus bodyweight always get the job done.

Can The Russian Lion be wrong!?

2) Master Your Body:
If you can’t own your own bodyweight with pull-ups, push-ups, and dips, you don’t own anything. Master calisthenics first, because real strength starts with moving your own mass.

Be honest with yourself; are you weak or are you too fat
or are you Both?

Some basic Nutrition Tips will be shared to Both forums of
Gladiator STRONG and Dad STRONG this week.

3) Train with Purpose: Every set, every rep needs to mean something.

No more "going through the motions."
Go hard or go home, focus on the task at hand.

You’re not here to fit in to the world of mediocrity
and "good enough", you’re here to Dominate, you must
train and live accordingly.

4) Stop Making Excuses: We live in a world of comfort and convenience.

Strength comes from rejecting these norms.

No more “I’m too busy.” You’ve got time—you’re just wasting it, often times
consuming BS on your Phone.

Every day, move forward, attack and dominate and put
up points on the scoreboard of LIFE.

5) Be Relentless: Most people quit when it gets tough—that’s why they stay weak. The stronger you get, the less you care about what the crowd says. Train hard, live harder, and rise above the noise.

I discuss why some WIN and most LOSE in the
latest STRONG Life Podcast.

==> Listen HERE.

I will see you in the Squat Rack.


The Underground Strength Con is coming in 2 Months.

The Anti Influencer Event of the Decade....

Learn from Coaches who are under the radar and
absolutely smashing it in Business and Life.

Most of them are barely using social media so you
likely don't even know them.

Now, you can Learn their Best Kept Secrets and
take your Business and Life to the next level.

It's time you step OUT of your comfort zone.....


Discounts for The Underground Strength Con go to any
of the "inner circle" areas / forums.


In a world of internet scrollers, the winners are rewarded
because they invest and have skin in the game.

Get a Discount to The Underground Strength Con
at the below areas.

See the Discount Code listed on the forums of:

The Academy

Gladiator STRONG

Facebook Group for Certified Coaches of and

ANY questions, just reply to this email.


Tickets for The Underground Strength Con are Going Fast!

Are you staying in your comfort zone?

No traveling?

Only doing what is convenient?

Only learning from YouTube and scrolling endlessly
on Instagram being busy yet going nowhere?

You are holding yourself back BIG time.

The Opportunity to learn from Underground industry leaders
who are crushing it with their business is

Just ONE idea can transform your business and your Life.

It's time after 12 years to bring it back....


This is NOT just another conference – this is THE wake-up call you’ve been waiting for.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and
over again yet expecting a different result.

If you're not where you want to be, you can't afford
to miss
The Underground Strength Con.

video preview
  • Unstoppable Networking: Get in a room with hard-hitting, no-BS Strength, Business & Leadership professionals who are out there doing the work.

    Forget the online pretenders – these are men and women who have built businesses and legacies that last. If you want to level up, you need to connect with people like this – no excuses.
  • Real-Deal Speakers: This isn't some influencer-packed joke of an event. Every speaker is a proven warrior in business and life.

    They’ve built empires from the ground up, without relying on social media gimmicks. If you want to hear from REAL people who know what it takes, this is the place.


  • Break Free from Your Comfort Zone: You’ve been stuck in the same routine, spinning your wheels. It's time to get uncomfortable, push your limits, and learn from people who refuse to settle for average.

    This event is about getting out of your bubble and into an environment where the only thing that matters is results.

  • Battle - Tested Business & Training Strategies: You’re not leaving this conference with some feel-good, useless fluff.

    Every speaker is giving you strategies that WORK, built from decades of hard - won experience. You want to dominate your field? These tactics will get you there – FAST.
  • Get Ahead or Get Left Behind: The competition is only getting tougher. If you're not continuously growing, you're already falling behind. You’ll get the knowledge, tools, and firepower to outpace everyone else at The Underground Strength Con.

  • The Power of Being in Person: You can’t replicate this in a Zoom call or a webinar. There's only so much you can learn via YouTube and sitting behind your computer or phone.

    There’s a certain kind of energy that only happens when you’re in the room, face-to-face with people who are hungry for greatness. That’s the energy that changes the game.

  • No Social Media Tricks, Fads or Gimmicks: The people you’ll meet and the speakers you’ll hear from didn’t rely on likes, clicks, or followers. They built real businesses that thrive in any economy – with or without social media. You’ll learn how to do the same.

The Underground Strength Con is NOT just an "event" – this is your chance to hit the reset button, rewrite your playbook, and level up in ways you’ve never imagined.

But make no mistake – it’s not for everyone. If you’re content playing small, stay home.

For those who are ready to go ALL in, it’s time.

Secure your spot at The Underground Strength Conference before it’s too late.

You CAN’T afford to miss this.

==> Click HERE and get in the room with the elite and prepare
to change your life and business 20X.

Live The Code 365,


PS: All travel info, speakers, sponsors, etc are listed at

If you miss this event, you will regret it!

* NOTE * One of the hotels is already sold out so it's time to
get off the fence and take Action.


See the resources below to build more strength
and size without the BS fads and gimmicks.


STRONG & Lean Over 40 -

A Quick Start Guide for Men Over age 40

​==> Details HERE


Gladiator STRONG - 7 Days FR-EE Intro

Build Pain Free Muscle, regardless of age.


Get Certified as a SSP Coach - Details HERE

Strength & Sports Performance Coach Cert






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Copyright Zach Even - Esh Performance Systems, LLC

Zach Even - Esh

Helping Men Achieve Elite Performance in Strength, Business and LIFE. Get our BEST FREE Strength Training Courses when you Subscribe. It's FREE!

Read more from Zach Even - Esh

Good morning, Gladiator. I hope you are ready to crush your Thursday on ALL fronts: Training Life Business We are ALL in Business, even if you don't realize it yet. Eventually, you must learn how to write your own paycheck. I was taught over 20 years ago that the number 1 is the worst number in business. 1 way to earn a living 1 way to earn a paycheck 1 way to communicate Always have Plan B so you're never backed against a wall. I have made many mistakes in training, business and life. In my...

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Yesterday I shared with you the "ladder method" for strength training using sandbags. You can see that Video here: Drop a comment with any questions you have on sandbag strength training or the ladder method. And so yesterday's video brought me way back down memory lane that I remember clear as day, and it was 15 years ago...... I did this with Kettlebells and it was inspired by the Strongman, Herman Goerner. It was called The Kettlebell Chain, and I have used this methodat The Underground...